The Institute of Economics and Finance of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW is organizing a Virtual Open Day for PhD Candidates studying under the Doctoral School SGGW in the field of economics and finance.

When: May 12, 2022; 15:00 – 16:00 CET

Where: on-line via MS Teams (the link will be made available to interested parties before the event)

How: Detailed information and registration through the event webpage

During the open days, we will present you the possibilities of studying at the Doctoral School, including admission rules, and learning at the Institute of Economics and Finance, where doctoral dissertations on economics will be prepared. You will get to know the possible topics of research in which you can write the doctorates as well as possible supervisors. You will be able to get answers to bothering questions and dispel doubts.

You are very welcome!

If you know any people who may be interested in the event, we will be grateful for re-sending them this message. Thank you.


Data wydarzenia: 2022-05-12 15:00
Miejsce wydarzenia: on-line